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Emoji Version 3.0 Emojis Collection

Version 3.0 was released on ๐ŸŒˆ June 21, 2016. The release date for the new version coincided with the release of Unicode 9. In the new version, Unicode added an encoding for 72 emojis. In total, 642 new emojis and their combinations were added in Version 3.0.

For the first time, it was in Version 3.0 that sportsman emojis were added in anticipation of the Rio Summer Olympics. The Unicode consortium added emoticons of ๐Ÿ… Medals, as well as displaying some sports, for example: ๐Ÿคพ Handball, ๐Ÿคฝ Water Polo, ๐Ÿ€ Basketball, ๐Ÿคบ Fencing, etc.

After the release of emoticons Version 3.0, Apple tried to change the design of ๐Ÿ‘ Peach emoji (used as a euphemistic symbol for the buttocks), as the company wanted to get rid of this association. But users were dissatisfied with the test version of emoji, which allowed Apple to change their mind and leave the previous version of emoji.

Other versions โ€” Emoji Version 1.0, Emoji Version 2.0, Emoji Version 4.0, Emoji Version 5.0, Emoji Version 11.0, Emoji Version 12.0, Emoji Version 12.1, Emoji Version 13.0, Emoji Version 13.1, Emoji Version 14.0, Emoji Version 15.0, Emoji Version 15.1, Emoji Version 16.0.

Interesting fact:

After the publication of Version 3.0, Unicode created a Twitter account, where they publish interesting facts and news about emojis. The first tweet tells about adding ๐Ÿฅ“ Bacon emoticon to the new version.